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whatever for中文是什么意思

用"whatever for"造句"whatever for"怎么读"whatever for" in a sentence


  • 干么


  • Whatever for , we ' ll all be dead soon anyway
  • He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted
  • Fine , fine . just give me whatever for it . - you should see this
    ? ?好了,你看值多少就给我多少? ?你应该过来看看
  • - fine , fine . just give me whatever for it . - you should see this
    ? ?好了,你看值多少就给我多少? ?你应该过来看看
  • Fine , fine . just give me whatever for it . - you should see this
    ? ?好了,你看值多少就给我多少? ?你应该过来看看
  • - fine , fine . just give me whatever for it . - you should see this
    ? ?好了,你看值多少就给我多少? ?你应该过来看看
  • Whatever for ! see me
    来看看我! ”
  • It appears that users of online transactions , whatever for payment , shopping or trading , are all satisfied with this convenient method
  • “ it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true ” ( bertrand russell )
    “如果一个陈述没有任何理由说明它是真实的话,让人很难心甘情愿地相信它” (伯特兰德?罗素) 。
  • It appears that users of online transactions , whatever for payment , shopping or trading , are all satisfied with this convenient method . obviously , if the negative perception of reliability and confidentiality , the major barriers to those laymen , can be properly resolved , the number of users can jump tremendously .
用"whatever for"造句  
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